August 20, 2020

Cats Not Permitted to Run At Large in the Village

In accordance with Village of New Maryland Animal Control By-law No. 52-2006, cats (as well as dogs) are not permitted to run at large in the Village, (Section 3 (11)). “Running at large” occurs when an animal is in any place, other than on the property of the
August 11, 2020

F.A.Q’s – Sunrise Wellfield Development

This document is a general summary of the questions that were asked at the Sunrise Wellfield Development Open House held on July 9th, 2020.  Click here to review the document. This document does not replace the responses that will be sent to individuals who submitted questions and/or concerns. 
August 4, 2020

Request for Proposals – Urban Design Standards and Public Realm Guidelines

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS VILLAGE OF NEW MARYLAND URBAN DESIGN STANDARDS AND PUBLIC REALM GUIDELINES Reference Number: RFP 2020-DSD1 The Village of New Maryland (VONM) wishes to solicit proposals for professional municipal planning and design services including, but not limited to, the preparation of Urban Design Standards and Public
July 30, 2020

Get A Permit BEFORE You Burn!

The Village Fire Chief would like to remind residents that they MUST obtain a burning permit (at no charge) from New Maryland Fire Dept. BEFORE using outdoor burning appliances (fire pits, chimineas, outdoor fireplaces,etc.). This is in accordance with New Maryland Fire Dept. By-law No. 20, section 12(6).
July 24, 2020

Village of New Maryland Green Plan – Use of Pesticides

The Village would like to encourage residents to visit our website at for important information regarding the ‘Village of New Maryland Green Plan’. The Plan includes information regarding the use of pesticides as well as helpful links to the N.B. Department of Environment and Government of Canada
June 30, 2020

Fireworks NOT PERMITTED without Permit

A reminder to residents for Canada Day tomorrow. The discharge of FIREWORKS in the Village is NOT PERMITTED without first obtaining a permit from the Fire Chief, as per By-law No. 58. Persons who violate the by-law will receive a fine of $50 – $200. More information about