Crosswalk Safety Rules

Ministerial Approval and Registry – PAC By-law # 01-2021
June 2, 2021
Village Council Members Are Doing Their Part to Put an End to Covid-19
June 10, 2021

Summer is here and children are walking and biking throughout the Village, so we’d like to remind everyone of the importance of proper use of the highway crosswalks. Signs are posted on the highway reminding drivers that there is a crosswalk ahead and overhead lights flash when a pedestrian is about to cross the highway.

Here are some helpful safety rules to remember:

Reminders for DRIVERS

  • Always yield to pedestrians in crosswalks
  • Be prepared to stop at all marked crosswalks
  • Stay alert and reduce speed in areas with crosswalks
  • Come to a complete stop for pedestrians to cross
  • Wait until pedestrians have crossed at least one lane past the lane you are in before resuming travel
  • Never pass another vehicle that has stopped or is slowing down at a crosswalk

Reminders for PEDESTRIANS

  • Always cross at marked crosswalks
  • Obey any pedestrian signals and look left-right-left to make sure the road is clear in both directions before crossing
  • Extend your arm to indicate your intention to cross the street
  • If a vehicle approaches, make eye contact with the driver to be sure they see you before you cross
  • Look before walking past stopped vehicles. Do not cross just because a driver waves you on – be sure all lanes are clear first