Rockland Miller was hired by Village Council to the position of Public Works Supervisor in 2002. The department is divided in two (2) divisions:

  • Transportation

  • Water & Wastewater

The Public Works Department has four full time employees, a Supervisor, a Water and Wastewater Technician, a Transportation Technician and a Labourer. During the summer months, students are hired to help with the maintenance of village property.

The Public Works Department is responsible for the repair and maintenance of 30 kms of streets, 6 kms of sidewalks, numerous culverts, road signs and Village property.

The Village provides weekly garbage collection, weekly recycling collection, one “spring clean-up” collection, a spring tree mulching program and a fall leaf pick-up.

We also encourage residents to reduce, reuse and recycle. This practice is better for the environment and for future generations. How can residents help? First by remembering the three “R’s”, what can be reduced, what can be reused and finally what can be recycled. Blue and grey recycling boxes can be picked up at the Village office. For more information about the types of recyclables that you can put in your blue and grey recycling boxes, check out the Fredericton Region Solid Waste Commission’s website.

The Village of New Maryland is very conscious of what goes to the landfill. The Village provides a tree mulching and leaf pick-up program to divert this material to be used in composting facilities. The Village does not pick up grass clippings, instead we encourage residents to leave the clippings on your lawn or use them as a compost.

For more information about the items that will and will not be collected as garbage, please refer to the Village of New Maryland’s By-Law No. 59, A By-law to Regulate the Collection and Disposal of Garbage and Other Material.


Water Utility

The Village of New Maryland relies on groundwater for its supply of safe, good quality water. The water is removed from the ground by four production wells. The Village basically has two water distribution systems. The Springwater System and the Applewood System.

The Springwater System receives its water from a drilled well located at the southeastern end of Springwater Place. The well delivers water to an in-ground reservoir where the water is softened and disinfected by sodium hypochlorite before it is distributed to residents of Springwater Place, Baker Brook Court and Hwy. 101.

The Applewood System receives its water from three drilled wells located at the northeastern corner of Applewood Acres. The water is disinfected at each well site by sodium hypochlorite before it is distributed to residents of Applewood Acres, Pine Ridge Estates, Forbes, and Hwy. 101.

Water is also delivered to an elevated water storage reservoir where the water is stored for future use and firefighting capabilities.

The two distribution systems for the most part work independently of each. They are separated by a pressure differential valve. The valve only opens when there is a drop in pressure on the Springwater System. Water is then supplied to the Springwater System from the Applewood System.

A thorough quality monitoring program through strict operation, maintenance, repair and customer inquiry investigation ensure delivery of safe drinking water to over 650 customers.


Water Metering & Billing
The Village uses a metered rate for its water utility customers. Water meters are placed just inside the wall of those homes in the Village. The meters are read using a remote reader for safe and convenient service. The water meter remains the property of the Village and should be accessible to perform maintenance. Next to your meter is your main valve, which you may need in a hurry should a leak develop in your own plumbing. Exercising this valve from time to time will help ensure that it can be easily operated should a problem present itself.


Water Main Flushing
The Public Works Department performs annual water main flushing in early spring. This work is necessary to remove loose sediments and mineral deposits from the water system. During flushing, residents living in or near the area being flushed may notice discoloured (turbid) water during these times and should check their water before doing laundry or preparing food.

If discolored water persists after flushing, residents are asked to contact the Public Works Department at 451-8508.

Private Well Owners
There are approximately 833 homes served by their own private well in the village. Private well owners are encouraged to have their water tested at least once per year to ensure they are using safe water. Sample bottles and collection procedures can be picked up at the Village office between the hours of 8:30am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday, with the exception of holidays.

Click here for facts and information about Water Conservation.

Sewer Utility

Wastewater is collected from 99 percent of our residents and is treated at two facilities (the Wastewater Treatment Plant and Applewood Treatment Facility) to produce an environmentally safe fluid waste stream.

The Wastewater Treatment Plant (2004) provides tertiary treatment (3 levels of treatment plus UV disinfection) for approximately 915 customers. The design flow for this plant is up to 2,400 m³/day with a current average daily flow of 1550 m³/day.

Appleood Treatment Facility

The Applewood Treatment Facility provides treatment for approximately 570 customers using 2 lagoons, the first having aeration and second as a polishing pond. The design for this plant is 800 m³/day with a current average daily flow of 460 m³/day.

The amount of flow to the plants will increase with heavy precipitation as considerable storm (footing) drainage is interconnected with the sanitary system. Disconnecting storm connections from the sanitary system is a priority for the Village.

The Village of New Maryland ensures compliance with Department of Environment regulations by having fully qualified wastewater collection and treatment operators on staff and available 24/7. The operators perform routine sampling of effluent to ensure both facilities are operating within the Certificate of Approval.

How can Residents help with the maintenance of the Village’s collection system? Remove roof down spouts from footing drains. Footing drains and the sanitary collection system can become overwhelmed during heavy rain events and/or snow melts. Protect yourself – install a backwater valve on your sanitary drain line to prevent back-ups from the collection system.

Many people believe they can flush anything down the toilet. This is not the case – a toilet is not a garbage can! Only human waste and toilet paper should be flushed down the toilet.

Many products claim to be bio-degradable, unfortunately these products are not in the collection system long enough to break down. Instead, they cause blockages in sanitary sewer service connections, mains and lift stations. This causes backups into homes and unnecessary maintenance costs at the facilities. These products need to be placed in the garbage.

Appleood Treatment Facility

The following is a sample list of items that should never be put down a toilet or drain

  • rags or paper towels

  • baby wipes or cleaning wipes

  • cooking grease or animal grease (don’t pour these down the sink either!)

  • solvents, paint

  • sanitary napkins

  • tampons, tampon applicators (plastic or cardboard)

  • diapers

  • condoms

  • boxes, packaging, wrappers

To report any problems after hours with the water and sewage system, please call 471-1985.

Supervisor: Rockland Miller

Public Works Utilities Supervisor: Chris Nash

Water & Wastewater Systems Operator: Greg Haslett

Water & Wastewater Systems Operator: Kyle Brooking

Public Works Transportation Supervisor: Lindsay O’Leary

Public Works Labourer/Equipment Operator: Johnny Godin