June 11, 2021

Mayor Wilson-Shee Got Her Shot!

Congratulations to Mayor Wilson-Shee for getting her Covid Vaccination Shot!
June 10, 2021

Village Council Members Are Doing Their Part to Put an End to Covid-19

Our Village members of Council are getting vaccinated for COVID-19 and encouraging village residents and all New Brunswickers to do the same!
June 10, 2021

Crosswalk Safety Rules

Summer is here and children are walking and biking throughout the Village, so we’d like to remind everyone of the importance of proper use of the highway crosswalks. Signs are posted on the highway reminding drivers that there is a crosswalk ahead and overhead lights flash when a
June 2, 2021

Ministerial Approval and Registry – PAC By-law # 01-2021

The purpose of the amendments to the PAC By-law were to harmonize it with recent edits to the NB Community Planning Act, consolidate previous by-law amendments, and to provide clarifications on various administrative provisions.  The Final Ad can be viewed here.  
May 28, 2021

Water Conservation Reminder

Water conservation comes naturally when everyone is aware of its importance. Water is becoming a precious resource and it is becoming more expensive to produce clean, safe water. Whether you are on a municipal or an individual domestic water supply, water conservation is a wise practice. Please visit
May 14, 2021

Sunrise Wellfield Development Quick Facts

One of the largest projects in the history of New Maryland is the Sunrise Wellfield Development. This is big news for the Village! Staff have created a “Quick Facts” information document about the project which has been posted to our website if you’d like to learn a bit
May 6, 2021

2021 Census of Population

March 26, 2021

Urban Design Standards & Public Realm Guidelines for New Maryland Highway

The Village of New Maryland is launching a new project aimed at establishing urban design standards and guidelines to create a more vibrant community core along the New Maryland Highway. Click here for more information about the project.
March 17, 2021

Sunrise Wellfield Development EIA – Public Involvement Report

This report documents the public involvement activities that have been undertaken for the Village of New Maryland Sunrise Wellfield Development Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process and has been prepared by WSP Canada Group Inc (WSP) on behalf of the Village of New Maryland (Village). To view the report please click